Adult Bootie Slippers – Free Knitting Pattern

grey and pink toddler booties for charity

These bootie slippers are really easy to knit and the pattern includes 6 sizes which is helpful if you knit for charity or estranged relatives.The slippers shown here are knitted in some worsted I had hanging around and held double. Using two strands of worsted makes for a firm slipper but next time I’ll probably use one strand of worsted with sport or fingering yarn to make it easier on the hands.

Also, I only work the body of the slipper held double and the cuff with a single strand. I’ve used some white loopy/fuzzy yarn in white for the contrast cuff shown in the photo. This would also be a good opportunity to use up some old eyelash yarn that probably would be best doubled as it’s so thin but would still stretch well.

This lovely pattern originally came from Juanita’s yarn shop in Longview, Texas. It does get a little chilly here in winter but the men still wear shorts and somehow find a jacket in the back of their closet. I bet they would appreciate a warm pair of slippers as well!

Here’s the free pattern:

4 oz of worsted yarn if knitting them double.

US  size 9 straight knitting needles

Gauge – 3-1/2 stitches to the inch

Directions are for 6 (7-8-9-10-11) inch slippers.
With double strand, cast on 44 (50-56-62-68-74) stitches. Work in garter stitch for 2 inches. knit the next row placing a marker between the center stitches.

Row 1 – Knit to within 6 stitches of marker, k2 tog 3 times, slip marker, k2 tog 3 times, k1, turn, purl 8, turn and knit to end of row.

Row 2 – Purl across.

Repeat these 2 rows until 26 stitches remain.

Work 2 inches in k1-p1 ribbing. Bind off loosely (this is the cuff of slipper) fold in half and sew together. Trim as desired.

Cast on 44 stitches using a U.S. size 3 needle and baby yarn (single strand). Knit garter stitch for only 1-inch. Complete using the above directions.

Another baby bootie pattern can be found HERE that is similar except the top part is worked a little differently.

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